Below you will find the list of all of our tutors.
Elaine is an experienced and qualified yoga & Vedic chanting teacher - teaching gentle yoga for 13 years and Vedic chanting for 7
VIEW PROFILEAs a trained teacher, Craig has been teaching pottery for twenty years and also produces his own work which is sold through outlets across the south-west.
VIEW PROFILELiz has a PGCE in German and Geography and has taught German for many years from beginners through to A Level. She has lived in Germany and taught in a German secondary school.
VIEW PROFILEFriendly and supportive Spanish tuition in Frome with experienced local tutor with many years' experience teaching adults.
VIEW PROFILEDawn Gorman is an editor, creative writing workshop leader and poetry mentor, and also works with creative writing in therapeutic contexts.