A Secret History of Britain

with David Lassman

Code: SP226Time: 13.00-15.00Length: 10 weeksStarts: 14 JanDay: TuesdayCost: £120Venue: Frome Town Hall


This course will span the period from the American GIs coming to Britain during World War Two, and the creation of the British Resistance Organisation, to our nation's post-war nuclear testing programme and clandestine infiltration of various groups and organisations.

It will shed light on many true episodes in our country's history that have either been hidden for decades from mainstream public view, or else the authorities would prefer people to conveniently 'forget' about them.

Not for the faint-hearted!


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    Cheese & Grain Box Office
    Market Yard, Frome, Somerset
    BA11 1BE
    Tel: 01373 455420


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